Charity bazaar

From good people with their hearts in the right place

We organize our charity bazaar once a month based on the principles of a social enterprise.

Socially beneficial goal: We organize a charity bazaar together with children from NZDM Radost and teach children what it means to run a store, prepare clothes, promote, and basic financial literacy

Economic benefit: The charity bazaar aims to finance the needs of NZDM Radost and the Vážka club. With the money we earn, we buy club equipment, creative supplies, and material for leisure clubs.

Environmental benefit: The charity bazaar promotes sustainable fashion and protects the environment.

Local benefit: The charity bazaar is aimed at supporting the region, we support socially weak families and children. We started a clothing bank, we help people in need.

The charity bazaar is a long-term project of Vážky na niti, z.s. We select quality clothing and clothing accessories, shoes, children's clothing, handbags, backpacks, etc. from donors. and after editing them, we offer them for sale. We have a wide range of supporters from among friends and acquaintances, and at the same time we have a collection point in Prague at Roztyle on the premises of the T-Mobile company.

Thank you to all our donors and volunteers!

Dobročinný bazárek

We choose clothing from people who want to help in this way, who have gone through their wardrobe and pieces they no longer wear, or have grown out of, donated to us and thereby made themselves happy and people who need help happy.

We receive wonderful pieces from kind people with a heart on the palm of their hand and a need to help, and we, together with other volunteers, try to ensure that they can continue to serve.

we repair, sew, wash, ironopravíme, 

We thoroughly inspect all clothes, mend them, sew them, sew on buttons, mend the zipper, wash them in the washing machine, iron them neatly. They sew with love in moments when it suits them and where no one restricts them.

sustainable production

We make sustainable products using older fabrics or sew clothes from them. Shopping bags and pouches, bags for snacks or fruit, bags for mobile phones, fashion accessories, etc. We will use all funds raised for social counseling and ensuring the running of Dragonfly on a Thread. By purchasing you support sales, by purchasing you support nature and the region.

sustainable fashion

Fashion defines us, it is not liked to say that clothes make a person. In any case, we perceive dressing not only as a way to express our personality, but we also take into account the ecological aspect of the production and consumption of clothes. We support sustainable fashion and we try to behave responsibly. We want to behave in such a way that clothing is not just a one-time commodity, but that when it reaches its end of life, it goes to someone else who will use it with pleasure. And if the clothing is no longer usable, it is possible to make bags, bags, cases or other clothing accessories from it.

We look back on the environment because we are part of it and we don't want to destroy it.