Social activation service (SAS) for families with children is a social service intended for families. These are mainly families with children who are at risk of adverse development as a result of a long-term critical social situation of the family or a dysfunctional family. The service is provided mainly in the field in the area of ​​Loun, Žatec and catchment municipalities. Through the social activation service, we help stabilize the family's situation and acquire the necessary parenting skills.


Monday                               08.00 - 16.00

Tuesday                              08.00 - 16.00

Wednesday                        12.00 - 16.00            08.00 - 12.00 Office (counseling, ambulance)

Thursday                            08.00 - 16.00

Friday                                  08.00 - 16.00

Saturday, Sunday and holidays: CLOSED

" Our social workers are in the role of expert advisor and supporter in matters related to the stabilization of the family situation. We welcome all clients who are interested in our services and want to solve their life situation. Social workers do not handle anything for clients, but offer support to solve the family situation and strengthening parental competences.


Benefit of SAS

1. educational, educational and activation activities: 

  • occupational educational activities with children,
  • occupational educational activities with adults, for example support and training of parental behavior, including management and maintenance of the household, support and training of social competences in dealings in offices, schools, educational facilities; at the same time, at least 70% of these activities are provided in the form of field service,
  • training and strengthening the child's motor, psychological and social abilities and skills,
  • ensuring conditions and providing support for adequate education of children,
  • ensuring conditions for socially acceptable leisure activities,

2. mediating contact with the social environment:

  • accompanying children to school, school facilities, to the doctor, to activities of interest and accompanying them back,

3. social therapeutic activities:

  • sociotherapeutic activities, the provision of which leads to the development or maintenance of personal and social abilities and skills supporting the social inclusion of persons,

4. assistance in exercising rights, legitimate interests and in taking care of personal matters:

assistance in dealing with routine matters, 

assistance in reestablishing or strengthening contact with family and 

assistance and support in other activities supporting the social inclusion of persons. 

SAS target group

Through professional counseling and coaching, it helps caregivers adjust their circumstances, stabilize the family situation and acquire the necessary parenting skills. SAS also supports families to whom a child has been placed in care due to unsatisfactory family conditions in his own family. SAS is provided to families with a child up to 26 years of age,

The target group is 100% families with a child/children who meet the condition of endangering the development of the child/adolescent as a result of the impact of a long-term crisis social situation in the family, which the family cannot overcome on its own and there is a threat to the development of the child or adolescent.

Client goals

Long term goal

Our long-term goal is to restore the functions of the family so that the child can grow up in his biological family, or to ensure that the child safely experiences separation from his biological parents and their regular contact.

Strategic goals

The strategy to achieve the long-term goal is to equip service users with the following skills:

  • parental competence,
  • communication with the child,
  • appropriate spending of free time with children,
  • financial literacy,
  • the ability to communicate with institutions on a formal level,
  • an active approach to solving their personal affairs.

Where can you find us?

Louny: Tyršovo náměstí 1663, 44001 Louny

                    Žatec: Třída Obránců Míru 2767, 438 01 Žatec

What is SAS?

Social activation services for families with children are among the social services that can be provided directly in the natural environment of the client and thus achieve desirable changes in the functioning of the family. If field programs operate in the territory of the municipality, it is very appropriate to focus on intensive cooperation with families in socially excluded localities in the form of social activation services for families with children. The service is very effective in preventing "child abduction". This prevention will save the high costs associated with institutional education. Social activation services for families with children are characterized by a high time requirement, when the worker must first gain the trust of the family members and then start working with them to improve the situation in which they find themselves.

As a rule, cooperation lasts 6 months. One worker can effectively work with 10 families. The content of the cooperation is the acquisition of social and parental competences, improvement of the child's life, improvement of the child's success in education, family management, prevention of indebtedness and loss of housing, and other activities aimed at improving the family's situation. Social activation services are appropriately complemented with other social services: outreach programs, low-threshold facilities for children and youth, shelters. In addition to other services, there is a need for social service workers to effectively cooperate with other institutions that can successfully participate in solving the client's situation (OSPOD, social curators for youth, PPP, school facilities, PČR, probation and mediation service, employment office and others) . The social service can be provided by the municipality itself or by non-profit organizations. The municipality and organizations that want to provide social services are required to register, which is governed by Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services.

Social activation services for families with children are defined by Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, § 65 as field services, or outpatient services provided to a family with a child whose development is at risk due to the effects of a long-term crisis social situation that parents they cannot overcome on their own without help, and for whom there are other risks of jeopardizing his development.

The service must include the following basic activities:

• educational, educational and activation activities,

• mediating contact with the social environment,

• social therapeutic activities,

• assistance in exercising rights, legitimate interests and in taking care of personal matters.

Taken from: Agency for Inclusion

Escorting single parents SAS Najada

Dragonfly on thread z.s. intensively supporting families in solving difficulties in the areas of housing, finances, employment, household care, childcare and meeting their needs, etc. Cooperation with the family can be established through OSPOD, or those interested can contact the staff of our Comprehensive Family Support directly. As part of the support, we focus on helping single parents and their children. We understand the situation of mothers and fathers who have found themselves in a situation where they have to take care of their children alone and ensure their dignified life, education and use of free time.


Do you need help or support? Have you found yourself in a difficult life situation? Do you need food or clothing support for yourself or your children? Contact us!

supported the service

The facility is operated with subsidy support from the Ústí Region within the subsidy program Support of Social Services in the Ústí Region.

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