We are a young association that aims to help and support families and we target children and families. We follow an innovative path and focus our activities on the most sensitive group of people in our area.


  • implementation of integration programs for children of different ethnicities aimed at supporting mutual understanding and joint cooperation of children of different ethnicities and cultures for the purpose of their integration. Informal educational programs and leisure activities organized for children of various ethnicities for the purpose of integration into society, sharing of cultural differences and mutual enrichment of the general public.
  • preparatory programs for Roma children of pre-school and school age in order to increase equitable access to education. Organization of informal educational programs and leisure activities for Roma children leading to integration and at the same time to motivation for education. Activation of Roma families and parents in educational programs aimed at developing parental competences and supporting their children's school attendance. Sharing experiences between Roma and pro-Roma organizations and the public.
  • the implementation of social programs and projects contributing to the cultural and social development of the region and local actors, the renewal of traditions and the renewal and development of traditional handicrafts as an integration tool using local resources and employment of local residents.
  • and production of clothing products and accessories from recycled materials.
  • running a social enterprise, employing and socially integrating people disadvantaged on the labor market, integration support for people after long-term incapacity for work, support for activities related to renewable fashion with a focus on environmental and ecological benefits consisting in the establishment of a clothing bank, collection and collections of clothes to help economically weak families , sale of used clothes
  • securing matters in the interest of the municipality and its citizens, especially meeting the needs of citizens in the field of social services according to Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, as amended, and Decree No. 505/2006 Coll., which implements certain provisions of the Act on Social Services, as amended, by providing these services.
  • organizing social, cultural and interest activities, running club facilities, interest groups and extracurricular activities, providing social services - low-threshold facilities for children and youth.
  • supporting families and family ties, providing counseling during a family crisis and solving family situations and co-creating conditions for the healthy functioning of all their members, enabling parent-child/children meetings and supporting the adjustment of relationships between parents and child/children through assisted contacts and handovers.
  • participate in the integration of people into society, minimize and prevent social exclusion, create safety plans and help with finding safe housing and integration back into society.

  • actively support education and prevention
  • ensure contact with the authorities
  • provide a social wardrobe
  • support food and clothing aid
  • The association also achieves the above-mentioned purpose through the following activities:


Vážka na niti z. s.

entered in the federal register, kept by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, section L, insert 13438

Identification number: 17415781, data box: fdha29z, legal form: registered association, account number: 6316482349/0800



Overview of activities and management for 2022


Overview of activities and management for the year 2023



"The dragonfly is a symbol of rebirth and finding strength after overcoming a difficult period, a symbol of rebirth into a new stage of life, a harbinger of harmony, joy, happiness and lightness. The dragonfly teaches us to accept changes and gives us strength."

Bc. Marcela Šipošová, DiS.

To me, the dragonfly is a symbol of change, light and understanding dreams. In the social field, I started as a volunteer in Klokánek, a worker in social services in a home for mentally disabled clients, working with autistic people, with families in excluded locations, accompanying worker for foster families, families with handicapped children and later in the field of domestic violence. From the beginning many years ago, I started with a course as a worker in social services, then I graduated from a higher vocational school with a social and legal focus. Later, I graduated from the college of social work and took a course in assisted contacts. For a long time I have been educating myself and preparing for the dragonfly to fly and help the needy people who ask for help themselves. I myself have also gone through health challenges, so I know how difficult it is to return to a full-fledged life. Dragonfly on a thread is my long-standing dream come true, with which I want to help really vulnerable people. My many years of practice and experience in social services is a guarantee of a humane approach.

A dragonfly on a thread emerges slowly. The reason is care and responsibility in preparations, I want to connect human destinies and help people who deserve it. Behind the creation of Vážka and the fulfillment of my dreams are my family and friends, who support me endlessly and I am grateful to them. I am focusing on Louny and its surroundings and I want to bring to the region what is missing here


Founder and president of the association, director and head of social services SAS and NZDM Vážka na niti

Kamila Sainerová, DiS.

My path to the door of the Dragonfly on a Thread was winding. For years I worked in a corporation, yet I was no stranger to the social sphere. Although it may not have occurred to me for many years, my choice to devote myself to social services was subconsciously instilled in me already in childhood, thanks to my mother, who spent most of her life working in social services. The first impulse to reevaluate my work and life path was when we as a family began to care for a sick member of the household. I started volunteering, took a course as a worker in social services and started studying at the Higher Vocational School in the field of social work. Before I finish my studies, I work in the field and gain the necessary experience in the social field, with families in excluded locations, with families with handicapped children and in the field of domestic violence. I'm still working on my professional development, I'm currently going through an assisted dating and domestic violence course.

Family counselor, Head of SAS Najáda Louny Vážka na niti z.s

Mgr. Věra Malesáková

My entire professional life has been accompanied by children, I first started as a kindergarten teacher, where I began to focus on the problems that young children have and I was looking for ways to help them cope with the start, in a sometimes so complex world. After studying special pedagogy, other studies followed, such as social pedagogy, penitentiary care and psychotherapeutic training. And so, I got to work not only in a children's home, but also to work with young people who leave the prison gates. I became more and more aware of how necessary help is already at the beginning, and how much a "bad start" affects our lives, especially for children in NRP. My long and essentially lifelong study of trauma and its effect on bodily experience began. During my professional journey, I met a lot of people who are looking for ways to do their work a little differently, with more humility and humanity, that was my path to Dragonfly on a Thread.

Psychological and therapeutic counselor, volunteer in Vážka na niti z.s., 

Bc. Marcela Kafková DiS.

I always knew that I would like to help people. And since my motto is ACTIONS, NOT WORDS, I first graduated from a higher vocational school, majoring in social work, and then UJEP, majoring in social pedagogy. I have been working in social services since 2005. I mainly focus on crisis intervention, both in the form of telephone and face to face. For the last 5 years, I have been working with children at risk (CAN syndrome) and families at risk of various pathological phenomena, especially domestic violence. I try to show clients a different face of OSPOD, where we are not just: "a social worker who takes children". yourself, and above all for your children. Working with people is very demanding, you sometimes feel that whatever you do, it is not enough or that it does not matter. But then you see a satisfied mother who managed to go through the "hell of domestic violence". if they start laughing again and have a nice childhood, then it makes sense! And even if it was just one family. This work must be done with the heart, and Vážka has exactly such people. I really appreciate the opportunity to be a part of it.

Expert advisor and volunteer at Vážka na niti z.s.

JuDr. Anna Beková

If I were 18 years old again and had to choose my career path, this time I would not hesitate and put more emphasis on humanity, compassion, help and on the person as an individual. However, since I did not have the experience after high school that I have now, I chose to study law school. Soon after graduation, however, I discovered that paragraphs and stacks of papers did not appeal to me, so I began to devote myself to coaching and mediation - out-of-court dispute resolution, which is a personal negotiation in which a mutually acceptable agreement is sought. However, I devote most of my time to social work with vulnerable children and their families. It never ceases to fascinate me, how often a little thing can help to bring about big changes for the better in the family and mutual relationships. I am grateful that I receive trust from families, they allow me to enter their lives and help them take small steps towards a better and fulfilled future.

Registered mediator and coach, legal advisor, volunteer in Vážka na niti z.s.,

Mgr. Lenka Princlíková

I admire people who are not self-centered and help others. There aren't many of them. And there will be fewer and fewer of them, because a good deed is more and more often punished after it is deserved. And for this reason, I value and admire those who have not given up and are trying to do good deeds. So let's appreciate everyone who lends a helping hand, warms with a kind word and helps in difficult times. I am a teacher who has met children, parents who were desperate to find help to solve problems. It wasn't easy at all. And so I'm glad that VÁZKA NA NITI was created, which does not hesitate to help and care for others. I will also strive for this and I hope that my many years of experience and knowledge in the field will contribute to this.

"The hardest thing in a person's life is to raise a child well..."

Counselor for family and school, volunteer in Vážka na niti z.s.

Monika Pischová

I am a nurse with many years of experience in social work. services mainly with children with physical and mental disabilities, I also worked in the children's department, and also as a nurse in an educational institution. I have been working as a psychiatric nurse in the field for 2 years now, helping children and adults find a smile in their soul and understand this complicated world. I perform psychosocial rehabilitation, which includes supportive conversations, emotional ventilation, breathing exercises, conversations about wishes and feelings..... and about everything that bothers people.

Psychosocial support, volunteer in Vážka na niti z.s.

David Heřmanský

I have always admired social service workers. People who voluntarily help everyone who needs it, people who have their hearts on the palm of their hands. It is with great humility and gratitude that I approach the function of coordinator, which I can perform in Vážka. In Vážka na niti, I deal with logistics, marketing and promotion, coordination of financial resources, but also the organization of courses or the implementation of creative creation.

SAS and NZDM social service coordinator, IT support and member of the Vážka na niti z.s.

Miroslav Zimmermann

As a potter, I learned to approach my work with humility and patience. I also work with this approach in Vážka na niti. Helping people is not an obligation, but the mission and the people who work or cooperate in Vážka have their hearts in the right place, and that is what I value most.

Technical worker, lecturer and member of the association Vážka na niti z.s.

Pavel Vinš

Already during my studies at a higher vocational school (field of social work), I quickly understood during my internships that my place would not be in the office, but right in the center of the action. Among people. And it didn't matter whether between children, adults or seniors. Everything has meaning, everything has a great benefit and everything is necessary. Unfortunately, I was not gifted with the gift of seeing my work as a mission, I succumbed to the lure of boringly pragmatic capitalism and the market economy and left the social services before I could be of any use. All the more I admire those who have the gift, I'm not afraid to say self-sacrifice. And all the more I want to try to pay off the rest I owe myself. If only by offering my experience from the world of business and marketing.

I believe in the goodness of man, and the people from Vážka confirm to me that my faith is not surrounded by naivety. For that alone, they deserve my big thanks and promise of full support

Volunteer in the association Vážka na niti z.s., media and promotion specialist


structure Vážky na niti, z.s.

Bc. Marcela Šipošová, DiS

Chairman of the association, director and head of services of SAS Najáda and NZDM Radost, founder of the association

members of the association Vážka na niti, z.s.

David Heřmanský

SAS and NZDM social service coordinator, IT support and member of the association

Kamila Sainerová, DiS., 

Family counselor, head of the SAS Najáda Louny service and member of the association

Miroslav Zimmermann

Technical worker, lecturer and member of the association

professional staff Vážky na niti, z.s.

Economic section

Veronika Bezrouková

Chief economist and accountant

Low-threshold equipment for children and youth NZDM

Patrik Slepčík

Head of the Low Threshold Facility NZDM Radost and key social worker

Simona Kubešová

Key social worker of the Low Threshold Facility NZDM Radost

Jana Rulfová, DiS.

Key social worker of the Low Threshold Facility NZDM Radost

Social activation service for families with children SAS

Mgr. Alexandra Pleskačová

Key social worker Social activation services for families with children SAS Najáda Louny

Vlaďka Šnokhousová

Key social worker Social activation services for families with children SAS Najáda Žatec

Věra Hrušková, DiS.

Key social worker Social activation services for families with children SAS Najáda Žatec

Expert advisors Vážky na niti z.s.

Expert advisors and specialists

Mgr. Věra Malesáková

Professional consultant, psychological and therapeutic consultant

Bc. Marcela Kafková, DiS.

Professional counselor, crisis intervention specialist, special family counselor

JuDr Anna Beková

Expert advisor, registered mediator and coach, legal advisor

Mgr. Lenka Princlíková

Expert counselor for family and school

Monika Pischová

Professional counselor, psychosocial expert

Mgr. Gabriela Šťastná

Expert legal advisor

Pavel Vinš

Professional specialist for media and promotion

Bc. Tomáš Heřmanský

Professional security specialist